Two days ago the Harvest Revel event in Aion started. Hum... so far the only thing that me and others were able to spot is a daily "survey" pop-up that give the first character you log into the game some stupid candy (which is similar to the ones you can cook yourself) and a short text. Seriously? That's what NCsoft calls an "event"? There is no different decorations, no special items that can drop during the timeframe... nada from what me or others i talked to could spot. What a joke. The description on the official website says for Asmodians:
"Asmodians find soothing peace during the dark days of the Harvest Revel. They celebrated by racing after the Wild Kurthanir hunt leader during the Wild Hunt and cooking special traditional dishes." Anyone seen this Kurthanir hunt leader or seen any special recipes for "traditional dishes"? I haven't. In my eyes if this is really all there is to the so called "event", they should have just left it off the menu, because this is just disappointing.
Maybe some of you have seen anything special? If so, share it with the rest of us...
NcSoft sucks at events, or at least they suck at doing them in Lineage2, ain't as bad as this one looks like but still isn't of any good :P
In Christmas days for example, i don't get that special feeling :| i get more of the Christmas taste in f2p games :P
It's not all surveys and candy. However, Aion's doing a piss-poor job at showing us the goodies.
Is about all I could gather on the event.
They took TRICK or Treat to a whole new level with this event.
Yeah, I'm a little disappointed.
They said the Revel event was about the lore of it all and thats all I expect from it honestly. The fact that this is not an orginal na/ncsoft game makes me wonder if they actully unserstand the code enough to even add a live event! I really think they are still in a learning proc of figuring out what they can do without breaking it.
Yeah its disappointing. Tbh I can totally understand the voices which say aion is like a f2p mmog. It feels like the whole backend is fully scripted and no humans are involved at all. Any problem atm? Just wait some weeks until we created some more scripts - don't expect any manual workaround until them because there is no support. Look at goldseller stores and stuff.
Heh, meanwhile I'm actually enjoying the halloween event in WAR ^^
Resubbed about a week ago and leveling a new char at really turtlespeed just trying to enjoy the content as much as humanly possible.
This years halloween event they put a Capture the Flag like PQ in the middle of T1 oRvR lake (might be the same for higher tiers, dunno). Brilliant idea when people take the time to play it, it really has produced some epic battles over capturing the flag/skull (its a skull) and stopping the enemy from doing the same!
Epic Fail. I don't think they can even come close to how Blizzard does events. Cities Change, even some towns change. Decorations go up. Some events are scripted in.
This, just.... sucks. Maybe the Halloween bot will come along and give us all free level candy?
I think the lore stories hyped it up to be more than what they gave us. Even the lore packed with the surveys was telling how to go hunt some big animal and get a title, so I went in search of some big animals... And.... no title. meh. Maybe they'll see all the disappointed fans and try to fix it for the next holiday, least I can hope ;)
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